Learn something new everyday

  • Deploy a React app to Firebase

    In this blog, we are going to discuss how to deploy react js applications for free in a few minutes in firebase. before that let’s discuss what is firebase. What is Firebase ? Firebase is a backend as a service(Baas) built on Google’s infrastructure.it is categorized as a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like…

  • iTerm2 – Clear scrollback automatically on a schedule

    iTerm2 is my default terminal and have been using it for close to 8 years now. It is highly customizable and has API support for hackability. I was using it today to run a webpack watch command on my 2nd monitor. For every change, webpack recompiles the modified files and adds it to the output.…

  • Writing Effective Unit Tests with React and Enzyme

    UNIT TESTING is a type of software testing where individual units or components of the software are tested. with this method of testing, both testers and developers can isolate each module, identity, and fix the system defects at the very early stage of the software development lifecycle(SDLC). Unit test is solely performed by developers. Why…

  • Make your App Multi-lingual with React i18n Internationalization

    Internationalization (i18n) is the process of building applications with local languages and cultural settings. An internationalized product solves the need of the local market with a more appropriate language approach and settings which in terms will produce greater user satisfaction and market success. i18n is usually misrepresented as Localization (L10n) and typically even Translation. i18n is development centered so within the case of software package, one…

  • Using tableLayout CSS property with TypeScript

    Using table-layout property with React and TypeScript was giving a type error like below: ERROR in /var/jenkins/workspace/dev/resources/packages/sites/table.tsx [tsl] ERROR in /var/jenkins/workspace/dev/resources/packages/sites/table.tsx(79,25) TS2322: Type ‘{ padding: number; width: string; margin: string; tableLayout: string; }’ is not assignable to type ‘CSSProperties’. Types of property ‘tableLayout’ are incompatible. Type ‘string’ is not assignable to type ‘TableLayout’. This was…

  • CSS Flip Animation for Font Awesome Icons

    CSS Flip Animation for Font Awesome Icons

    This flip animation will be a perfect use-case for enable/disable UI actions. We’ll be using rotateY transform function to achieve this flip animation. Here is a simple HTML page with a few font awesome icons in both enabled and disabled states (we’ll be adding CSS for these states later) and jquery included for click actions.…

  • Flutter – Local push notifications

    Create a Flutter project To create a new project in Flutter execute the following command line in the terminal. We are using tryoutflutter as the project name. It will create a folder with the name of the project. Inside the project, the files structure should like this: Let’s look at the folders and files in…

  • Push Notification in Flutter using Firebase

    In this article, you will learn about how to integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) with a Flutter mobile application. If you want to install Flutter in your environment follow this article: Flutter Setup Create Flutter project To create a new project in Flutter execute the following command line in the terminal. We are using tryoutflutter…

  • Flutter Setup

    HelloWorld! In this article, you will learn about how to setup Flutter in Windows, Linux, and Mac OS through step by step simple procedure. Let’s get started, Prerequisites Android Studio X Code and CocoaPods only for Mac OS VS Code editor or any other editor. VS code editor is recommended because it has the Flutter…

  • Shrinking indices in Elasticsearch

    The Problem Today, we started receiving the following error from our production Elasticsearch cluster when a new index was about to be created: The error description was obvious that we would breach the shard limit of 1,000 when creating a new index. Confirming the number from the error message using _cat/shards endpoint, we see that…

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