Tag: vagrant

  • Vagrant Remote Debugging – Xdebug 3 & IntelliJ or PHPStorm

    Vagrant Remote Debugging – Xdebug 3 & IntelliJ or PHPStorm

    Debugging is one of the most efficient ways to investigate an unexpected behaviour. This post details how to setup a debugger for a PHP application running in a vagrant machine via your IDE such as IntelliJ or PHPStorm. We’ll be using Xdebug version 3 in this post. Xdebug version 3 is significantly different from the…

  • IntelliJ – Connect to MySQL running in Vagrant

    IntelliJ – Connect to MySQL running in Vagrant

    The Database feature of IntelliJ/PHPStorm is very powerful compared to the MySQL CLI. It allows your edit your data from the UI easily without writing any MySQL commands. Here is how you can connect your MySQL server running in a vagrant machine to the IntelliJ’s database feature and improve your productivity during development. Create a…