Database / Java / MySQL / Spring Boot

Hibernate Error – Encountered problem trying to hydrate identifier for entity

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This is the stack trace for this error: You may get this error if the data type defined on the database table is different from the one defined in Hibernate/Java code. To […]


Spring Boot / Uncategorized

Working with Hibernate in a multi-threaded application

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Some of my learnings while working with Hibernate in a multi-threaded Spring Boot application. Multiple sessions When you start an @Async method, it runs in its own thread managed by Spring. This […]


Spring Boot

Fixing slow Bcrypt and BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilter

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I recently investigated and fixed a performance issue with user authentication in our Spring Boot based API service. Our users started complaining about random 504s from our service. Looking at our thread […]


Spring Boot

How to mock Clock in DTO classes?

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If you need to freeze time for a Spring Boot integration test, the easiest option is to define a custom bean for Clock object for test profile. Eg This only works if […]


Spring Boot

Hide Links object with SpringDoc & Swagger 3

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We started generating Swagger 3 documentation (OpenAPI 3.0) for our API service using SpringDoc. We are also using Spring Hateoas to include links within the response for easy navigation. The generated schema […]


Spring Boot

Fixing slow Bcrypt and BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilter

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I recently investigated and fixed a performance issue with user authentication in our Spring Boot based API service. Our users started complaining about random 504s from our service. Looking at our thread […]



Jenkinsfile – Cheat sheet, Examples & References

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All of these examples were tested with the ‘Multibranch Pipeline’ type jobs. This may not work with other types of jobs in Jenkins. Validate Jenkinsfile for syntax Navigate to the directory which […]



Vagrant Remote Debugging – Xdebug 3 & IntelliJ or PHPStorm

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Debugging is one of the most efficient ways to investigate an unexpected behaviour. This post details how to setup a debugger for a PHP application running in a vagrant machine via your […]



iTerm2 – Clear scrollback automatically on a schedule

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iTerm2 is my default terminal and have been using it for close to 8 years now. It is highly customizable and has API support for hackability. I was using it today to […]