All of these examples were tested with the ‘Multibranch Pipeline’ type jobs. This may not work with other types of jobs in Jenkins.
Validate Jenkinsfile for syntax
Navigate to the directory which has the Jenkinsfile
file. You’ll need the Jenkins host URL, username/password of your Jenkins host.
curl --user username:password -X POST -F "jenkinsfile=<Jenkinsfile"
Conditional credential variable based on the branch name
If you have different credential names per environment (you should!), you can declare it at the top of the Jenkinsfile
and use them in any step.
// define an environment variable that contains the credential name based on the branch name def PASSWORD_ENV = env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? 'PROD_PASSWORD' : 'DEV_PASSWORD' pipeline { stages { stage('Deploy') { environment { PASSWORD = credentials("${PASSWORD_ENV}") } steps { sh './ ${PASSWORD}' } } } }
Get output of script and store in an environment variable
If you need to create a variable which is the output of a shell command, use the sh
command with returnStdout: true
pipeline { environment { TEST_DATABASE_NAME = """${sh( returnStdout: true, script: "echo \"test_database_\" + ${env.BRANCH_NAME} | tr -cd '[:alnum:]_' | head -c 64 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'" )}""".trim() } stages { stage('Run tests') { steps { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD', variable: 'MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD')]) { sh ''' echo "Will be using ${TEST_DATABASE_NAME} for tests" mysql -u test_username -p${MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD} -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${TEST_DATABASE_NAME}; CREATE DATABASE ${TEST_DATABASE_NAME}"; MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD} TEST_DATABASE_NAME=${TEST_DATABASE_NAME} ./vendor/bin/phpunit mysql -u test_username -p${MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD} -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${TEST_DATABASE_NAME};"; ''' } } } }
Run a stage only on specific branches
If you want to run deployment only on builds from specific branches, eg. master
and integration
stage('Deploy') { when { anyOf { branch 'master' branch 'integration' } } steps { sh './' } }
Disable Concurrent/Parallel builds of the same branch
pipeline { options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } }
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