Using tableLayout CSS property with TypeScript
Using table-layout property with React and TypeScript was giving a type error like below: ERROR in /var/jenkins/workspace/dev/resources/packages/sites/table.tsx [tsl] ERROR in /var/jenkins/workspace/dev/resources/packages/sites/table.tsx(79,25) TS2322: Type ‘{ padding: number; width: string; margin: string; tableLayout: string; […]
CSS Flip Animation for Font Awesome Icons
This flip animation will be a perfect use-case for enable/disable UI actions. We’ll be using rotateY transform function to achieve this flip animation. Here is a simple HTML page with a few […]
Shrinking indices in Elasticsearch
The Problem Today, we started receiving the following error from our production Elasticsearch cluster when a new index was about to be created: The error description was obvious that we would breach […]
Static Websites with AWS CloudFront and S3
Why CloudFront & S3 is better for hosting static sites? AWS CloudFront is a CDN that can be used to serve static HTML sites backed by S3 storage. S3 storage is very […]
MojoFailureException: Fix Maven’s Compilation Failure:
Today, I faced a compilation failure in Bitbucket pipelines for a simple Java project. The project compiles successfully in the local machine. The stack trace of the failure was not useful at […]
IntelliJ – Connect to MySQL running in Vagrant
The Database feature of IntelliJ/PHPStorm is very powerful compared to the MySQL CLI. It allows your edit your data from the UI easily without writing any MySQL commands. Here is how you […]
React – Render String with HTML tags as HTML
There are often times when you have a string with some HTML tags such as strong that you want to render as HTML on the DOM. Most solutions online recommend using dangerouslySetInnerHTML […]
Debug slow PHP applications using IntelliJ or PHPStorm
It is frustrating when your PHP application is really slow and you do not know which part of your code is taking up too much time. Google considers 2 seconds as the […]
5 Reasons MySQL Foreign Key constraints fail to create
Finding out why Foreign key creation fail When MySQL is unable to create a Foreign Key, it throws out this generic error message: ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint – […]
jQuery DataTable: Sorting dynamic data
jQuery DataTable is a powerful library to super charge your HTML tables. By default DataTable can sort your data based on the content of the cells. But if you are loading your […]
Fixing slow Bcrypt and BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilter
I recently investigated and fixed a performance issue with user authentication in our Spring Boot based API service. Our users started complaining about random 504s from our service. Looking at our thread […]
Jenkinsfile – Cheat sheet, Examples & References
All of these examples were tested with the ‘Multibranch Pipeline’ type jobs. This may not work with other types of jobs in Jenkins. Validate Jenkinsfile for syntax Navigate to the directory which […]
Vagrant Remote Debugging – Xdebug 3 & IntelliJ or PHPStorm
Debugging is one of the most efficient ways to investigate an unexpected behaviour. This post details how to setup a debugger for a PHP application running in a vagrant machine via your […]
iTerm2 – Clear scrollback automatically on a schedule
iTerm2 is my default terminal and have been using it for close to 8 years now. It is highly customizable and has API support for hackability. I was using it today to […]
Flutter Setup
React Native
Learn React Native with a Board Game (Part 1 of 4)
jQuery / Web Development
jQuery DataTable: Sorting dynamic data
Hibernate – Associations are not loaded
Database / Java / MySQL / Spring Boot
Hibernate Error – Encountered problem trying to hydrate identifier for entity
Spring Boot / Uncategorized
Working with Hibernate in a multi-threaded application
Web Development
Designing REST APIs